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BB Mobile Parts Pty Ltd (bbmobile.com.au) is a retailer and wholesaler which trades utilising the web through its websites and in stores around Australia. Information about us can be obtained here on our website or by contacting our Privacy Officer on 02 9764 4690 or by e-mail sales@valueparts.com.au

Privacy Policy

BB Mobile Parts Pty Ltd (bbmobile.com.au) acknowledges and is committed to protecting your privacy. We will collect, use and disclose and hold personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (“the Act”).

Collection of personal information

BB Mobile Parts Pty Ltd (bbmobile.com.au) does not collect personal information unless it is necessary for us to carry out our functions and activities as a retailer or wholesaler.

We only collect such information by lawful and fair means and in an unobtrusive way. You may provide us with personal information about yourself or others each time you contact us by phone, letter or email.

We need to use this information to provide you with our services, shipping and/or products.

